Product Description
Story untouched – About: 10,000-11,500+ diamonds, 230+ Random UR cards (non duplicate about 230-300 UR Cards) and 270+ SR cards (Non Duplicate), 2-4 UR Dream Tickets, 1-3+ SR Dream Tickets, 15-32+ UR and 9-25 SR tickets, 2x UR Cosmic Cyclone, 3x UR Flood Gate Traphole, 2 Raigeki Break, 2 SR Treacherous Trap Hole, 2 SR Wall of Disruption, 2 Paleozoic Canadia, 2 Forbidden Lance, 1 Fiendish Chain, 3 Mystical Space Typhoon, Master Reborn, Dark Magicians, Dark Magician Girl, Blue Eyes White Dragons (Including 4th Anniversary), Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, Shooting Star Dragon, Magic Cylinder, Book of Moon x3 and 3 Karma Cut