Product Description
Story untouched – About: 9,999-11,500+ diamonds, 320-420+ Random UR cards and tons of SR cards, 2-7 UR Dream Tickets, 2-7+ SR Dream Tickets, 2-40+ UR and 2-35 SR tickets, 2x UR Cosmic Cyclone, 3x UR Flood Gate Traphole, 2 Raigeki Break, 2 SR Treacherous Trap Hole, SR Wall of Disruption, Paleozoic Canadia, Forbidden Lance, Fiendish Chain, Mystical Space Typhoon, Master Reborn, Dark Magicians, Dark Magician Girl, Blue Eyes White Dragons (Including 4th Anniversary), Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, Shooting Star Dragon, Magic Cylinder, Book of Moon x3, Mirror Force, Crackdown and Karma Cut (SAMPLE PHOTOS)
7 years old account